Please note, our offers change depending on seasonal availability so any previous offers you see here may not be valid.
Also, whilst we aim to get the best value for you prices may increase on the products we sell. If you are unsure please call us or ask a member of staff for current offers.

Each year, Shergolds is pleased to make donations to support local schools and charities.
We have already nominated this years organisations including a local junior school. Please refrain from sending us requests as we are unable to respond to everyone. Thanks for your interest.

Message from Shergolds (21st March 2020)
To all new and regular customers,
Further to our update and recent government advice we need to remind everyone about the importance of social distancing, particularly when queuing to pay for your goods. Please respect the safety of all customers and staff.
Also, we appreciate that the car park is often full at the moment but we ask that customers do not park on the narrow lane outside.
We are working around the clock to keep the shelves stocked and appreciate your custom and support throughout this tricky time.
Lastly, we have received many requests for delivery. Due to recent demand and lack of resources we cannot deliver.
Shergolds Team
Message from Shergolds
Firstly, our thoughts go out to all of you who have been affected by this unprecedented event. Your health and the health of our team is our absolute priority and I want to reassure you that we are doing everything in our power to ensure you can continue to shop with us safely.
If you have visited us in the last few days, you will know how busy we are and, in these difficult times no one could have predicted how busy we would be. We would like to reassure you that we are working as hard as possible to respond to demand.
We are very proud of the amazing team here at Shergolds as they adapt to the increasing demands and, whilst under tremendous pressures they remain cheerful and polite. Please respect our staff who are working tirelessly during this difficult time and keep a distance when queuing at the counter. If you have been told to socially separate yourself, please appreciate everyone’s safety and do not enter the premises as staff do not have the time to serve outside the shop.
As we continue to be busy you may experience difficulties finding a car parking space and may have to queue. Please be patient, we are working as hard as we can.
In the meantime, we would like to say thank you for your understanding and wish you and your families well.
Thank you,
Jane Shergold
Shergolds Nursery, Burnetts Lane, West End, Southampton, SO30 2HH 023 8046 2162
Pet Food
We stock a huge variety of pet food – raw, dry and wet, all at competitive prices. Shergolds has two walk in freezers stocked with lots of varieties of Natures Menu and DAF raw feed minces.
Farm Shop – fruit and vegetables
Come and check out our fresh fruit and vegetables in the farm shop. We buy daily and source locally, where we can, with the exception of the citrus fruits and exotic fruits.
We try our best to keep most of the fresh products plastic free.
Please note, content such as pricing and availability on this site may, from time to time differ to what is available in the shop.
Plants & Shrubs
At Shergolds we have a large selection of plants, shrubs and hanging baskets, all at wholesale prices. Check out our poly tunnels and outdoor area.